Update on Site and Programme Awards

Hi everyone,

I want to give you a quick update on the site and, in particular, our Programme of the Season awards.

Unfortunately, in the last six months or so I’ve not been able to devote much time to the site. I had COVID back in October, which hit me quite badly at the time and which I’ve been feeling the affects of ever since – particularly in terms of feeling fatigued on a regular basis. I’ve started to feel a bit better recently but naturally have had to concentrate on my day job. All of this has meant I’ve not been able to do anything like as much with Premier Progs this season as I would have liked.

One result of this is that I’ve not been able to get the reviews produced for our annual awards. I am working on these and will start to post more reviews in the next few weeks. I have decided to move the awards to the end of this season and plan now to announce the winners in June. Sorry for the delay with this and thank you to the clubs that have sent me this season’s issues.

Thanks as always for the support for Premier Progs – it’s really encouraging to see people continuing to visit the site on a regular basis and interacting on our Twitter account. We’ve now had more than 5,500 visitors to the site, which is well beyond what I could have expected when I started the site back in 2018. I’m very grateful for the support.

Thanks and stay safe,


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